Do You Need to Supplement With B12?

Do You Need to Supplement With B12?

A plant based diet is fabulous. You are cutting out a lot of foods that can cause cancer, heart disease, stroke, and several other ailments that everyone would rather pass on. While a plant based diet is full of amazing nutrients, it can be lacking in Vitamin B12. Once we, as humans, started washing our vegetables really well we stoped getting trace amounts of dirt which contained vitamin B12. Now, Vitamin B12 is most often found in animal products and it is essential. For starters the vitamin helps with the creation of healthy red blood cells and is also thought to help in the prevention of some cancers. However, the main benefit of B12 is it’s crucial role with the central nervous system. B12 helps the nervous system by keeping a protective sheath over the nerves, and preventing that sheath from deteriorating, this in turn helps with neurotransmitting. Sounds important huh? Well it is, because nerves being able to transmit can affect every function of the body. B12 also helps with prevention depression, anxiety and cognitive decline.

Like I said before, it can be hard to receive the levels needed by plants alone. Many vegans and vegetarians need to supplement with B12 and should consult a doctor who can monitor their levels. I recommend getting your levels checked yearly, and discuss supplementation with a healthcare provider when transitioning to a vegan diet.

Now, not all B12 supplements are created equal. There are three kinds of B12: methyclobalamin, cyanocabalamin, and hydroxycobalamin. The most common is by far cyanocabalamin, comprising most of the B12 supplements and even the shot. However, this common form of B12 is not the most effective. Methyclobalamin holds the award for most effective because it is the most easily absorbed by the body. So, when going to pick out your supplements make sure that the B12 is methyclobalamin.

Remember, to always consult a doctor and get your B12 levels tested regularly.



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