Start your health transformation with the three-week whole foods, plant-based challenge. Based on Dr. Fuhrman’s work, the three weeks will have you optimizing your nutrition to support your health with nutrient-dense foods.. This group program will allow you to lose weight, feel your best, and set you up to take charge of your health.
That’s why I break it down for you step by step and support you for the entire journey.
3 weeks of meal plans and recipes - easy-to-follow and delicious
Community, group chat
Unlimited emailing/direct messaging with me for support or to answer questions during your journey
Zoom meetings every Thursday (4 total) A meeting the Thursday before the challenge begins and each Thursday during the challenge.
Thought exercises to help address the emotional and mental aspects of diet change
GBOMB daily and weekly checklist - (if you don’t know what GBOMS are, you’ll learn! And you’ll be so grateful to know about them)
Serving size and meal planning guide
Supplement Guide
I hear this all the time. People try to lose weight on a plant-based diet and feel like they are constantly starving. This diet plan is designed to maximize your nutrient intake while utilizing healthy fats and high-fiber foods to help increase your satiety so you can lose weight without feeling like you are starving.
This program is designed to be a lifestyle change that you can do long term. This means, no more yo-yo dieting so you can have a lifetime of success.
I also have information videos so you can better understand how your body works when it comes to weight loss so that you can learn to work with your body and not against it.
This program is about giving you the tools to help you achieve long-term success.
I got you covered. The program has three weeks of meal plans and recipes. I break it down for you exactly what to have and what not to have. And the recipes are easy to follow.
Who does? I designed the meal plan to limit daily cooking. During the week we will repeat meals so that you don’t have to cook every. single. night.
Of course there is still some cooking that is involved. There is no way around that when you are eating whole, natural foods. Your health is worth the investment.
You want to lose weight and promote longevity
Are plant-based or want to be plant-based (at least for the next 3 weeks)
Want to know how to eat plant-based and lose weight while NOT feeling hungry
Are tired of not feeling your best
Are ready to dedicate yourself to your health
Want support to make a lasting change
Want a guide to help you know exactly what you should or should not eat
Want meal plans made to help you not only feel your best but minimize cooking
Absolutely not. I have priced this program to make it accessible to most people. I truly want everyone to feel their best and have the support they need.
Additionally, the meal plans won’t make you go broke either. You might need to build your pantry up to support a plant-based diet, but most people mention that they end up saving money. I mean, beans cost less than meat. Plus you’re saving money on eating out.
Pro-tip, shopping at Asian grocery stores can help keep produce costs low. I also buy frozen berries and broccoli at Costco. And honestly, I just love Costco.
And, while most people do find that they end up saving money on food, the big payoff is how good you feel. How much is it worth to wake up and feel amazing? To have great energy? To feel like you are living your best life because you feel good in your body?
Hey, I’m Rachel and while I’m now a plant-based health coach and nutritionist with my master’s in Nutrition and Integrative Health, I used to live in a food prison, where I felt controlled by food and miserable in my body. I was overweight, tired, and suffered from depression and anxiety. Thinking back to those days it honestly feels like I was a different person. I didn’t think there was hope for me and who I wanted to become. But, then I found Dr. Fuhrman and his nutritarian approach changed my life. Now, I’m a nutritarian health coach and dedicated to helping you change your life.
Using Dr. Fuhrman’s nutritarian approach I was able to lose 40 lbs and keep it off for 15 years (in which time I’ve also had two babies!), finally break free of my food addictions, get rid of my depression and anxiety, improve my energy and mental clarity, manage my Miniere’s Disease, and feel better than I ever knew was possible. Like, for real. Until I started eating a plant-based, nutritarian diet I never knew how completely good I could feel in my body. Now I just want to yell about it from the rooftops!
You are an adult and there is no way I am going to know if you are following the rules, unless you tell me. BUT I do recommend you go into to this ready to commit to it a 100%. When clients follow it exactly, they have the best success, because they shift their biochemistry. Not to mention, sugar, oil, and salt all promote overeating and can interfere with weight loss and resetting your palate. While it might be difficult initially to give up salt, oil, and sugar your palate will adjust and your improved health will thank you.
No, the meal plan is there to help you and guide you. You’re welcome to follow it exactly, or you can use it as an example as you make your own. You will have lots of recipes to choose from and as long as you are following the “rules” and getting your GBOMBS (Greens, Beans, Onions, Mushrooms, Berries, and Seeds) daily you are good.
No. This plan is focused on improving your nutrition. While exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle, I want you to fuel your body with good nutritious foods first. However, most people comment that their energy starts to greatly increase by week 2 or 3, and want to start working out. If you would like to, then I do have a 4 week, functional workout plan that you can do. But it is totally optional.
Yes, it is VERY IMPORTANT that you consult your doctor, especially if you are on any medication. Many times I’ve seen clients have to reduce blood pressure medication and diabetic medications in the first 1-2 weeks. This diet is very effective and you need to keep your doctor informed so they can monitor and adjust medications as needed.
First, you will want to read the book “Eat To Live” by Dr. Joel Fuhrman. Then I would recommend starting to increase your intake of fruits and veggies to start to prepare your system for a big change. Of course, once you purchase the program make sure to go over all the materials prior to starting the challenge.
>> A sharp knife for lots of chopping
>> A good blender-I love my Vitamix, but you can use any blender, as long as it’s powerful
>> Glass storage containers to help with meal prep