Do This To Stop Self-Sabotaging!

Do This To Stop Self-Sabotaging!

Hey there,

Self-sabotaging comes up all the time with my clients. And if you’re struggling with getting off and keeping off weight, or consistently making healthier choices, then there is a good chance that you’re self-sabotaging.

Of course though, when I bring this up with my clients they’re not aware that they would be doing anything to prevent them from losing weight. They tell me “I want to lose weight, why would I self-sabotage?”

But, here’s the thing, you can really want to lose weight and still sabotage your efforts because weight loss is often times scary. It can be scary because it might make us more visible, or maybe we’re scared about saying goodbye to foods that have comforted us for so long. We might also be scared about how our friends and family will respond to us eating differently than them. The list goes on as to why we might be self-sabotaging.

So what do we do when we have these fears? We unconsciously self-sabotage and we protect ourselves from having to face these new realities. However, when we do this, it prevents us from living the life we truly want to live, and you deserve to live the life you want to live. So below I have a video to help you get out of your own way.

In the video, I walk you through tapping/emotional freedom technique (EFT) for some of the common self-sabotaging reasons. If you’re not familiar with EFT then it is a simple tool that makes a big difference. All you need to do is follow along, tap where I tap, and repeat after me. When tapping certain areas of your body while you are dealing with an emotion or craving the brain will release the emotional charge around those feelings. It’s kinda like magic…

So tap along…

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